Mater Private Specialist Quick Find

Dr Michelle Butler

Specialty: Cardiology
Clinical interests: Heart failure, valvular heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, peri-operative medicine, and management of cardiac conditions during pregnancy.

Q Cardiology
26 Didsbury Street
East Brisbane QLD 4169
Phone: 07 3130 8990
Fax: 07 3130 8999
Practices at: MHB MPHB

Dr Malcolm Davison

Specialty: Cardiology
Clinical interests: Echocardiography and angiography
Queensland Cardiovascular Group Suite 10, Level 6
Mater Medical Centre
293 Vulture Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101
Phone: 07 3016 1111   Fax: 07 3163 1169
Practices at: MPHB

Dr Terri Hall

Specialty: Cardiology
Clinical interests: Heart failure, valvular heart disease and preventative cardiology

Q Cardiology
26 Didsbury Street
East Brisbane QLD 4169
Phone: 07 3130 8990
Fax: 07 3130 8999
Practices at: MPHB

Dr Bruno Jesuthasan

Specialty: Cardiology
Clinical interests: Cardiac MRI, Echocardiography including stress echocardiography and transoesphageal echocardiography,coronary angiography and permanent pacemaker implantation
SQ Cardiology
Suite , 2 Doig Street
Cleveland QLD 4163
Phone: 07 3521 5688   Fax: 07 3521 5689
Practices at: MPHB

Dr Karam Kostner

Specialty: Cardiology
Clinical interests: Cardiology and lipidology
Cholesterol Care Australia
Suite 12, Level 1
Taylor Medical Centre
40 Annerley Road
Woolloongabba QLD 4102
Phone: 0466 886 904
Fax: 07 3740 4777
Practices at: MHB MPHB

Dr Aleksandra Lange

Specialty: Cardiology
Clinical interests: Congenital heart disease
Queensland Cardiovasular Group
Suite 10, Level 6
Mater Medical Centre
293 Vulture Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101
Phone: 07 3016 1111   Fax: 07 3163 1169
Practices at: MHB MPHB

Dr Nghi Mai

Specialty: Cardiology
Clinical interests: Echocardiology, stress echocardiography, pulmonary hypertension and coronary angiography
Queensland Cardiovasular Group
Suite 2, Greenslopes Specialist Centre
Newdegate Street
Greenslopes QLD 4120
Phone: 07 3016 1111
Fax: 07 3421 0599
Practices at: MPHB

Dr Mugur Nicolae

Specialty: Cardiology
Clinical interests: Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Electrocardiography, Pulmonary Hypertension, Cardiac Obstetric
Mater Specialist Suites
Level 6, Suite 15, Mater Medical Centre
293 Vulture Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101
Phone: 07 3010 3530   Fax: 07 3010 3531
Practices at: MHB MPHB

Dr Przemek Palka

Specialty: Cardiology
Clinical interests: Cardiomyopathy and echocardiography
Queensland Cardiovasular Group
Suite 10, Level 6
Mater Medical Centre
293 Vulture Street
South Brisbae QLD 4101
Phone: 07 3016 1111
Fax: 07 3163 1169
Practices at: MHB MPHB

Dr Robert Perel

Specialty: Cardiology
Clinical interests: Cardiology: Electrophysiology
Queensland Cardiovascular Group
Suite 10, Level 6, Mater Medical Centre
293 Vulture Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101
Phone: 07 3016 1111   Fax: 07 3163 1169
Practices at: MPHB


MHB Mater Hospital Brisbane
MCPB Mater Children's Private Brisbane
MMH Mater Mothers' Hospital
MMPB Mater Mothers' Private Brisbane
MPHB Mater Private Hospital Brisbane
MPHR Mater Private Hospital Redland
MPHS Mater Private Hospital Springfield


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