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Mater Hospital Brisbane, alongside Queensland Health hospital and health services, has adopted Smart Referrals.
Smart Referrals are digital referrals, fully integrated with Best Practice and Medical Director software to enable more streamlined, high quality referrals to hospital services.
Smart Referrals is an important step in digital healthcare, creating a connected modern health system for Queenslanders. Mater is pleased to be a part of this initiative to support access to care.
Smart Referrals also supports GPs by flagging essential referral information. This ensures nothing is missed, no rework or double handling and saves practice uneccessary adminstrative time.
Practice registration and set up is required to access Smart Referrals. For assistance with all Smart Referral related issues, please contact:
GP Smart Referrals—General Practice Technical Support (Queensland Health) 1300 478 439 (Smart Referrals) 24 hours Email: [email protected]
For referral enquiries or status updates for a referral to Mater Outpatient Clinics, please phone the GP Priority phone line on 07 3163 2200.
Register to receive your local Primary Focus—Mater's newsletter for GPs, with a focus on primary care
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GP Education, Maternity Shared Care Alignment Program and Events.
GP Maternity Shared Care Alignment - Seminar 2