Suite 3.03 Mater Private Clinic 550 Stanley Street South Brisbane QLD 4101 Get Directions
Dr Peter Swindle is a urologist who specialises solely in prostate cancer. His expertise lies in robotic prostatectomy. Dr Swindle has extensive radical prostatectomy experience of over 35,000 prostatectomies including robotic prostatectomy, open radical prostatectomy and laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.
Queensland Prostate Clinic, established by Dr Swindle, functions to provide comprehensive information on screening and detection of prostate cancer as well as up to date information on treatment options for men with prostate cancer. Dr Swindle's practice is limited to diseases of the prostate and specifically prostate cancer.
Dr Swindle completed advanced urological training in Queensland in 2000. During his urological training, he also completed a Masters of Surgery at the University of Sydney on prostate cancer. Following on from his general urology training, he undertook a two year subspecialty Fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York focusing on prostate cancer. He has also completed an American Brachytherapy Fellowship at the Seattle Prostate Institute on prostate brachytherapy. Dr Swindle’s registrations include:
Dr Swindle's rooms are located at the Mater Private Clinic. His current appointments include: