Suites 3 and 4, Hill House Bradley Street Spring Hill QLD 4000 Get Directions
Dr Melissa Luckensmeyer is a highly experienced Obstetrician practicing for more than 15 years. Her outstanding medical expertise, combined with her friendliness and calm, caring nature, make her one of Brisbane’s most sought after Obstetricians and a renowned expert in women’s health.
Melissa’s knowledge and extensive experience working across all aspects of infertility, obstetrics and gynaecology, allow her to provide the highest level of continued specialist care for her patients. She has proven expertise in managing complicated and high-risk pregnancies and is focused on ensuring her patients feel safe and supported from the very first consultation right through to birth.
As a mother of three daughters herself, Melissa understands that pregnancy is a very personal journey, and that’s just how she treats it. Expectant mothers instantly warm to Melissa’s naturally caring manner and gentle approach. Her appointment times are generous, not rushed, and she’s always happy to talk through your specific plans, questions or concerns.
As a graduate of The University of Queensland, Melissa completed her training in obstetrics and gynaecology in Brisbane and regional centres and was then invited to return to Mater Mothers’ Hospital as a Staff Specialist for many years. She now runs her own successful private practice in Spring Hill and works alongside five other female obstetricians as part of the River City Obstetric Group to provide 24-hour obstetric care. Melissa is also a Senior Fertility Specialist aligned with Queensland Fertility Group (QFG).
Dr Luckensmeyer offers a wide range of services relating to women’s health. She consults in the area of general gynaecology, including for example infertility, disorders of menstruation, pelvic pain, cervical abnormalities and colposcopy, prolapse and incontinence. She offers both office and operative gynaecological procedures.
To learn more about Dr Melissa Luckensmeyer view her video.